新型コロナ感染拡大の影響をうけ、2020年より休会状態だった英語サロンを2nd Phaseとして2024年3月からハイブリッド形式で再開します。
タイトル:”A photo and video history of the Kobe Polar Bear Swim”
スピーカー:An original member of the 1st Polar Bear Swim in 1995, Mark Robinson
概要:Mark Robinson has been a member of the KCA since it was first founded by Margaret Huber, the Canadian Consul General in Osaka, in 1994 and is currently the Treasurer and Website Master of the KCA.
Please join us as we share the history of the Kobe Polar Bear Swim, a fitting topic for our newly reopened Eigo-salon.
参加費:500円 / 1回
オンライン参加:Zoom Meeting(お申込みー入金確認後に接続アドレスをお送りします)