新型コロナ感染拡大の影響をうけ、2020年より休会状態だった英語サロンを2nd Phaseとして2024年3月からハイブリッド形式で再開します。
【日時】1月24日(金)19:00~21:00 (18:30開場・20:45頃から撤収準備開始)※第4金曜日
【タイトル】Lady Isabella Bird ‘s Travels in 19th Century Japan.
【スピーカー】Maya Ide, conference interpreter, long-distance bicyclist.
【概要】Isabella Bird was a Victorian era, British adventurer who spent her entire life traveling around the world. She visited Japan in 1878, 10 years after the start of the Meiji Era. Her book “Unbeaten Tracks in Japan” is a record of her travels to the Tohoku area and southern Hokkaido. The Japanese translation is titled [日本奥地紀行. In my presentaion I would like to introduce Isabella Bird and her observations of Japan during the Meiji Era.
【参加費】500円(JCK会員) ※非会員は600円 / 1回 (会場費・通信費・スピーカー謝礼等の運営費として利用)
【住所】神戸市中央区東町115番地 中央区文化センター(10階 or 11階)
【Google Maps】https://maps.app.goo.gl/G3HWHQXh9tKRH1tP7
【オンライン参加】Zoom Meeting
・入金方法はキャッシュレス決済となります。方法が分からない場合は個別にご相談ください。(PayPay, 楽天ペイ, LINE pay 対応済、その他は要相談)
【日時】12月20日(金)18:30~20:45 (18:00開場・20:30頃から撤収準備開始)※第3金曜日
【タイトル】Christmas in Canada
【スピーカー】Marlene O’kane
【参加費】1,000円(JCK会員) ※非会員は1,200円 ※高校生以下は半額 / 1回 (会場費・材料費・スピーカー謝礼等の運営費として利用)
【日時】11月22日(金)19:00~21:00 (18:30開場・20:45頃から撤収準備開始)※第4金曜日
【タイトル】The Harvest season in Hyogo
【スピーカー】Atsuko Miyake
【概要】Autumn, the harvest season, has finally arrived. The busiest yet happiest moment for all the farmers who have been working hard all through the year. In November, I would like to introduce some of the local farming activities in the Northern Kobe area and Tamba Sasayama. Mainly about the sweet potato farm in Kobe and the black soybean farm in Tamba Sasayama. Furthermore, I would like to share ideas about how we can eat locally grown food and support our communities.
【参加費】500円(JCK会員) ※非会員は600円 / 1回 (会場費・通信費・スピーカー謝礼等の運営費として利用)
【日時】10月18日(金)19:00~21:00 (18:30開場・20:45頃から撤収準備開始)※第3金曜日
【タイトル】Family & Friends Project
【スピーカー】Randall Bollig
【概要】Family & Friends Project began in 2011, gained official NPO status in 2013, with the goal of helping to “Level The Playing Field of Opportunity for Children in Nepal”. In the presentation, I will give some background of why I chose Nepal and decided to start an NPO, our program, activities, and impact, as well as ways people can help “Level The Playing Field of Opportunity For Children and Families in Nepal”. Thank you.
【日時】9月27日(金)19:00~21:00 (18:30開場・20:45頃から撤収準備開始)※第4金曜日
【タイトル】Supporting a Four-Woman Team in RAAM 2024
【スピーカー】Colin Cross, Professional Photographer / Portfolio:COLIN F CROSS PHOTOGRAPHY
【概要】Renowned sports photographer Colin Cross, who has followed numerous athletes, will share his experience of supporting a team of four female cyclists in their challenge to conquer the Race Across America (RAAM) in 2024. Join us for a dynamic presentation featuring dramatic footage from the grueling 10-day race.
【日時】8月16日(金)19:00~21:00 (18:30開場・20:45頃から撤収準備開始)※第3金曜日
【タイトル】Fair dinkum, Dinky die, true blue Aussie.
【スピーカー】Mayumi Parrett
【概要】Fair dinkum. Dinky die. True blue. These three adjectives all have the same meaning here in Australia. I have been living in Australia for about a year and a half now. Even though this is not my first time in Australia (I did a working holiday for one year and also stayed here for four months while on childcare leave with my first child.) I still find myself coming across many new things and differences in the life here compared with Japan. I will talk about my life in Australia so far and also the habits, customs and culture that I find so interesting. I will also share some of my experiences with Australian English.
【日時】7月19日(金)19:00~21:00 (18:30開場・20:45頃から撤収準備開始)※第3金曜日
【タイトル】Kimono Reborn: A Passion Project for Reviving Tradition
【スピーカー】Kim Marie Machholz, an educator and head of the International Department at Kobe Ryukoku High School, is also a representative of the Kansai Canadian Association and a passionate advocate for kimono recycling.
【概要】Do you have a passion project? I do, and it’s connected to the beautiful Japanese kimono. I adore everything about kimonos, from the intricate silk details to the craftsmanship of the obi and accessories. However, the tradition of wearing kimonos is slowly fading, leaving many garments unworn, sometimes given away, or worse, discarded. While I hope the tradition of wearing kimonos will be revived someday, I am passionate about giving these beautiful garments new life by repurposing the materials in various ways, allowing people not only in Japan but also abroad to appreciate the magnificent kimono in new forms.
【日時】6月28日(金)19:00~21:00 (18:30開場・20:45頃から撤収準備開始)
【タイトル】Journey Through Japan: Tales of Discovery, New Pursuits and Fascinations
【スピーカー】Travel and Marketing, Hera Yeung
【概要】Hello, my name is Hera Yeung. I was born and raised in Scotland. In 2018, I moved to Japan to study Japanese, and I later had the opportunity to work here.
Since my arrival in Japan, I have been residing in Kobe City. I am very fond of Kobe and find it reminiscent of Scotland in many ways.
【日時】5月24日(金)19:00~21:00 (18:30開場・20:45頃から撤収準備開始)
【タイトル】O Canada, the place in my heart
【スピーカー】Rumi Iwamoto
【概要】The home of ice hockey, the Niagara Falls, the Rocky Mountains, and maple syrup – not to mention Ryan Gosling, Celine Dion, Drake and of course Justin Bieber – almost everyone on the planet knows something about Canada. Yet first-time visitors should expect some surprises, beginning with the size of the country, which is hard to appreciate until you get there.
This presentation will be the speaker’s memories of the first trip to Toronto and Vancouver in 1992. The subject mainly focuses on her views and experience about living abroad.
【日時】4月26日(金)19:00~21:00 (18:30開場・20:45頃から撤収準備開始)
【タイトル】”Report of RAAM 2023 Challenge”
【スピーカー】Randonneur Plus Project Representative, JCK Secretariat, Yutaka MORIWAKI
【概要】The Race Across AMerica (RAAM) is one of the world’s toughest bicycle races, spanning nearly 5,000 kilometers across the Americas. The presentation will share the 11-day 2023 race to get the win in the world from the team director’s perspective.
Please join us as we share the history of the Kobe Polar Bear Swim, a fitting topic for our newly reopened Eigo-salon.
(Race Across AMericaは、約5000キロメートルにも及ぶアメリカ大陸を舞台に繰り広げられる、世界一過酷な自転車レースの一つです。世界一を目指し、4年越しで挑戦した2023年の11日間のレース記録を、チーム監督の視点でお話しします。)
【日時】3月22日(金)19:00~21:00 (18:30開場・20:45頃から撤収準備開始)
【タイトル】”A photo and video history of the Kobe Polar Bear Swim”
【スピーカー】An original member of the 1st Polar Bear Swim in 1995, Mark Robinson
【概要】Mark Robinson has been a member of the KCA since it was first founded by Margaret Huber, the Canadian Consul General in Osaka, in 1994 and is currently the Treasurer and Website Master of the KCA.